Sunday, August 11, 2024

False Teachers of Holy Scripture

 when will people take responsibility for their false Teachings in Christ? how long do the Prophets of God have to keep dying? when will the time come for them to take responsibility for their lies and thier teachings about Christ? about the False Prophet, the Beast, or Anti-Christ how they say that they are on different sides when they are all on the same side. unless we had divided them with our own conflict. they say that we can't be God or the Devil is fighting Christians and wants all Christians to go to Hell. who in Hell did We learn the Book of Revelation from because we will go to Hell, but first I need Us to stand in reserve just in case something breaches our Heaven. and Whosoever taught us this Book did not care much for Christ or God who is every Heavenly Angel protecting Us or written in the Bible Christians or any other religion for that matter. these snakes were out to make us fight each other when we all were together under the sun; under the roof of God standing together.

this is how we destroyed that last two worlds, for not listening, and for thinking that we would rule without God's Anointment. they want war when they act peacefully but, in their hearts, there is no debate or settlement towards their conspiracy of false teaching.

1 comment:

  1. this is how we destroyed that last world last two worlds, for not listening, and for thinking that you would rule without God's Anointment. they want war when they act peacefully but, in their hearts, there is debate or settlement towards their conspiracy of a false teaching.


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